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Benefits & More
  • Low Glycemic Index – Helps to regulate blood sugar levels
  • Fibre Rich Millet– Healthy digestion & Weight management
  • May help reduce heart-related problems
  • Natural Detoxifier – Helps remove toxins from the body
  • Contains Calcium – Good for Bones & Muscles
  • Rich Source of Iron, Potassium & Zinc
Browntop millet healthier substitute for white rice
Browntop millet recipes
Brown top millet weight management superfood
Delicious sweets made with brown top millet

Browntop Millet: A Nutritious Grain for Healthy Living

Browntop millet, also known as Andu Korralu or Korale in India, is a nutritious, gluten-free grain gaining popularity for its unique brownish color and mild, nutty flavor. Rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, particularly iron, magnesium, and zinc, browntop millet supports bone health, immunity, and energy levels.

Organic Gyaan offers affordable, unpolished browntop millet online, promoting whole grain inclusion in diets. They also provide other nutritious millets like Barnyard, Foxtail, Little, and Kodo millet.

Health Benefits of Browntop Millet

  • Regulates Blood Sugar: Browntop millet has a low glycemic index (GI), meaning it slows down the absorption of sugar and helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Supports Weight Management: The high fiber content in andu korralu keeps you feeling fuller for longer, aiding in healthy weight management.
  • Promotes Heart Health: Consuming browntop millet benefits heart health due to its nutrient profile.
  • Aids Digestion: The fiber in andu korralu supports good digestion.
  • Detoxifying Agent: It helps bind toxins and keeps the body healthy.

Uses of Browntop Millet

  • Breakfast Items: Browntop millet can be used to make porridge, idli, dosa, upma, and other breakfast items.
  • Baked Goods: It can be used in baked items like cupcakes, cookies, or pancakes.
  • Savory Dishes: Browntop millet is great for making khichdi or pulao.

Browntop Millet: Regional Names

  • Hindi: Choti Kangni
  • Tamil: Palapul
  • Telugu: Andakorra
  • Kannada: Korale
  • Bengali: Hari Kangni

By incorporating browntop millet, also known as Andu Korralu or Korale, into your diet, you can enjoy a range of health benefits while exploring delicious culinary options. At Organic Gyaan, we are committed to offering high-quality, unpolished browntop millet and other nutritious millets to support your journey to a healthier lifestyle.


What is brown top millet?
Brown top millet is a type of cereal grain that is commonly grown for animal feed and for use in birdseed.

Is brown top millet gluten-free?
Yes, brown top millet is gluten-free, making it a safe alternative for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

What are the nutritional benefits of brown top millet?
Brown top millet is nutritious, offering fiber, B-vitamins, minerals like iron, and antioxidants. It's gluten-free and can support heart and digestive health.

How is brown top millet prepared and served?
Brown top millet is prepared by boiling or steaming like rice. It's served as a side dish, in salads, porridge, or used in various recipes like upma or pulao.

Where can I buy brown top millet?
Brown top millet can be found in natural food stores or online. You can also try looking for it at specialty food stores or in the health food section of your grocery store.

Can it be given to a pregnant lady?
Yes, pregnant women can include browntop millet in their diet, but consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

Can it be given to babies?
Yes, you can introduce browntop millet to babies around 6 months, but consult a pediatrician or dietitian for proper preparation and timing.

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