Benefits & More
- Rich Antioxidant
- Fight free radicals in the body
- Excellent for heart health
- Rich source of dietary fibre and omega 3
- Improve blood sugar levels
- Supports healthier weight management
- Contains Calcium, Iron Magnesium and Zinc
- Rich source of Vitamin B1 and B3
- Good for bones
- Premium quality chia seeds
- No chemicals or preservatives added
The Botanical name of Chia seeds is Salvia Hispanica and belongs to Lamiaceae. It is mainly grown in the Mysore district of Karnataka. Chia seeds are white, brown, and black in color. They usually grow on a tree called Hispania and are usually found in Mexico. Now they are prevalent in India as well.
Chia seeds being very nutritious and healthy, are known as Superfoods. They contain a lot of Omega 3, Fatty Acids, Fiber, Minerals, Proteins, and many more nutritional values. It gives tremendous energy and protein. It is used in soups, juices, salads or can be consumed with yogurt. It is sprinkled on any raw food.
Consumption of seeds proves very beneficial for the body and mind. It contains five times more calcium than milk and seven times more Vitamin C than oranges, three times more iron than spinach, twice the potassium content than banana, and eight times more omega 3 than salmon.
1. What are chia seeds?
Tiny, nutrient-packed seeds rich in fiber, omega-3, and protein.
2. How can I use chia seeds in my diet?
Add to smoothies, yogurt, salads, or make pudding by soaking.
3. Do I need to soak chia seeds before eating?
Optional, but soaking helps digestion and nutrient absorption.
4. What are the health benefits of chia seeds?
Support heart health, aid digestion, and boost energy.
5. Are chia seeds good for weight loss?
Yes, they promote fullness and help in weight management.
6. How much chia seeds should I eat per day?
The recommended daily intake of chia seeds is 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 grams). This amount provides a good balance of essential nutrients, including fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and various vitamins and minerals.
7. Can chia seeds cause any side effects?
Dry seeds may cause discomfort; consume chia seeds with water.
8. Are chia seeds suitable for vegans and vegetarians?
Yes, they are 100% plant-based.
9. How should I store chia seeds?
In a cool, dry place, in an airtight container.